LOOM LOOP 是一个有环保概念,而又将中西文化结合的品牌。运用不同的 环保素材,做出一个富有当代时尚的系列。当中有一种面料, 莨纱,是用广东特有植物薯莨浸泡桑蚕丝织白胚纱。是国家 级非物质文化遗产。整个系列也用上一些如环保有机棉、以 及一些工厂所剩余,而备忽视,但可再生的有用资源。 也正是品牌名称的来源。 “碌” 是一些普通的事物,只要加 以好好运用,就可以成为不平凡而有名贵的“禄”。
Loom Loop was founded by Polly and Andy. One is a dreamer the other a perfectionist, it was a chance encounter with a 300-year-old heritage fabric, a low-rent studio space in Central and with a little luck Loom Loop was born in 2014 in PMQ, Soho HK. When the designers saw the heritage fabric “Canton silk”, they were bowled over by the artisan techniques employed to dye the silk using a plant-based dye, river mud and solar power. They saw the potential of this forgotten fabric, and were driven to design high-quality clothes that reflects its true value. The brand DNA has strong emphases on sustainable fashion and conservation of traditional craftsmanship. Their core concept is to retell stories of the past in the present. The past treasures are conserved and continued into the future with their contemporary design and commitment in preservation of our heritage.
何善恒毕业于香港理工大学,曾于英国伯明罕 The University of Central England 就读及英国伦敦 Misa Harada Millinery 工作室作设计助理。一次偶然的广东旅程,发现了一种快将失传的面料「莨纱绸」,Polly决定放弃本身的工作,展开寻找时装梦想之旅。一个有环保概念,而又将中西文化结合的品牌。运用不同的环保素材,造出一个富有当代时尚的系列。近年她赢得2015中小企业的青年创业奖,2015 及2016亚洲最具影响力大奖- 类别奖(铜奖),2016环球设计大奖- 类别奖(3个银奖),Perspective 杂志举办的40 under 40奖项,及意大利的A’ Design Award。 Polly曾参与了2015东京奔驰时装周的时装秀及2016及2017亚马逊东京东京奔驰时装周;另外,她也参与了2016及2017纽约官方时装周的时装秀。
Designer Polly Ho graduated with BA (Hons) of Arts and Design from the Hong Kong Polytechnic University and furthered her studies at the University of Central England. Prior to launching her own brand, Polly worked for Misa Harada Millinery in London in 2003 and was a brand consultant for a number of Chinese brands. Polly launched LOOM LOOP’s first collection shortly after winning the corporate fashion project for the Philippe Starck-designed hotel, The South Beach in Singapore. Since winning the project she has gone on to win the SME’s Youth Entrepreneurship Award in 2015, the Design for Asia Award 2015 (Bronze), Perspective’s 40 under 40 Award and HKDA Global Design Awards (Silver and Hong Kong Best) in 2016. Polly presented her collections at Tokyo Fashion Week in October 2015 to 2017, and New York Fashion Week in February 2016 to 2017.
何善恒的2019秋冬系列「Concrete Jungle」以老虎印花混搭不同的布料和配饰,呈现香港中西合璧及新旧文化共冶一炉的特色。是次展示获著名帽子品牌Misa Harada支持,利用系列的印花布料制作帽饰。
Polly Ho’s AW 2019 collection “Concrete Jungle” interpreted the city’s cultural fusion of East and West and ancient and modern with a mix of tiger prints, fabrics and accessories. The collection received support from renowned millinery brand Misanthropist Harada, which tailored its exclusive millineries with tiger print fabrics.
LOOM LOOP设计师何善恒经常将传统中国文化融入设计,其新系列也不例外,意念源自中国文化象征之一:上下山老虎。 「有一天,我离开中环元创方(PMQ)的自家店后,走到附近的绿色铁皮档找改衣车工,途经另一摊档,一对上下山老虎刺绣挂画突然映入眼帘,好奇之下买来收藏,档主还告知上山虎寓意步步高升,下山虎象征保护家宅平安。 及后我途经古庙,细看附近一带,突然发现新旧建筑物交替,印象尤其深刻。」
The design meaning come from China ‘s “Climbing tiger and go downhill tiger”
Polly Ho always integrate China traditional culture into her design, the new collection “Concrete Jungle “is also no exception. The meaning root of one symbol of China culture, which is“The climbing tiger and the go downhill tiger”. “ One day, I just left my shop in PMQ and while walking to a clothing workshop,passing one shop with a embroid picture hanging on, I was so curious and bought it, the shop owner tell me the climbing tiger implied meaning of promoting step by step, the go downhill tiger stand for protecting home. And after that I met with an old temple on the way, I found the buildings around it are old ones and new one mixed together, the scene left me a deep impression.” Said by Polly Ho.
何善恒灵机一触,决定以文化交汇的石屎森林为题,将老虎、庙宇的云纹、孔雀浮雕变成印花,打造成是次系列的灵魂。 整个系列的连身裙、羊毛大褛均以西式剪裁为主,而且在细节中处处展现东方文化色彩。 「中国盘扣是主要的点缀饰物,由庇护工场员工人手制作。 系在大褛外的日式腰封贯彻品牌的多层次穿搭(Layering)风格。」
On a sudden inspiration, Holly Ho decided use the cross-culture buildings as the new collection’s theme, make tiger, temple pattern prints as the collection’s soul. The whole collection’s one piece dress、wool coats are mainly used western cutting and show eastern patterns in the details. “The shirt-fronts are all handmade and extensive used for embellish in whole collection.” Polly Ho said.

英国人爱戴帽饰出席各种场合,首登伦敦时装周的LOOM LOOP亦入乡随俗,与英国著名帽饰品牌Misa Harada合作,巧妙运用系列的全真丝印花布碎来炮制荟萃中西文化的帽饰。 「16年前,我于伦敦毕业后在Misa Harada实习半年,期间获益良多。 多年来,我与创办人原田美砂仍保持联络。 今次在伦敦参与Fashion Hong Kong的时装汇演,师父落力支持令我很感动。」
The Silk hat integrated English culture
Hat is British’s favorite adornment in any occasion. LOOM LOOP cooperated with England famous hat brand Misa Harada, ingeniously applied a series of all-silk prints to create a hat of Chinese and Western culture. “16 years ago, I served as a intern a half year in Misa Harada after graduated in London, and benefit a lot in that period. So many years I still keep in touch with the creator Misa Harada, and I’m so touched that got supplied of her this time.
Polly Ho also said that the silk texture is very soft, and it is necessary to use a hard mold to make a strong and durable hat. The brim of hat with the net yarn can cover half of the face will generate a sense of mystery. One of them is like a fisherman’s hat, which can be matched with daily clothes. And another one with a bowknot is suitable for attending horse racing or social activit